Interactive Digital CoursePacks
Utilizing Coursepacks Etc’s digital distribution model provides your students with the flexibility to access your coursepacks directly from their computer or mobile device.
CoursePacks Etc, Inc. now offers a New Online Interactive Digital CoursePack solution.
Some of the feature and benefits include:
- Available on any device – Students may access materials from any device (including mobile devices) through a standard web browser.
- Inline Notes – Students and instructors can post inline notes within the document
- Note Sharing – Any notes posted within a document can be shared with others who have purchased the course materials. Instructors are able to add public notes that all students can see within the document.
- Highlighting / Markup – Students can highlight and markup important areas within the document.
- Full Text Search – All documents are fully searchable. This includes text found in scanned documents.
- Google lookup – Select words within the document and automatically enter them into a Google search.
- Secure – Students are prohibited from directly saving documents and printing is disabled by default. Instructors can enable printing for individual pages as desired and allowed by possible copyright restrictions.
- Offline viewing – One device may be used to view the document offline. This is useful for students who are traveling without internet connectivity.
We are excited to offer this opportunity to our customers.
Features of our Cloud Reader

By taking advantage of new technological standards we are able to offer a superior solution that is not only accessible and secure, but also offers a host of other benefits that we can harness by using the collaborative power of the Internet.
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